Where in we meet Jyrras's family, there's introductions all around, a tale of confusion, and a strange little pink character is introduced.
#322: It's always way too early when you are just waking up.
#323: Goldilocks syndrome.
#324: The rat with one red shoe.
#325: Be sure to pack properly for vacations and escapes.
#326: You can bet he gets carded a lot at bars too.
#327: Well he still is a kangaroo rat when you really think about it.
#328: You should of seen what happened with the kiwi and komodo dragon.
#329: Ah sisters...
#330: And theres the rest of the family.
#331: He's kidding...at least I think he is.
#332: Talking about one behind ones back.
#333: The surefire way to start an argument.
#334: She did manage to have it there in less than 30 minutes.
#335: Lorenda's mom makes every job a high risk one.
#336: There's a first impression he won't forget.
#337: Evil knows its own kind.
#338: They aren't scorned, but does it matter?
#339: Very sympathetic.
#340: I would love to see the bumper stickers for that.
#341: They were probably influenced by that darn music too.
#342: Actions shriek louder than words.
#343: Violence might not be civilized, but it sure does make ones point clear.
#344: If the world is at your feet, beweare the ankle-biters.
#345: Apparently no-no's in demon books are yes-yes'.
#346: Madness isn't a condition, its a way of life.
#347: Fourth wall senses...tingling.
#348: For clear sight, he walked rather blindly into that one.
#349: Perhaps time has distorted his perception?
#350: There is a song title for EVERY occasion.
#351: Before the hero...comes the tree-climber.
#352: Treetop conversations.
#353: (Couldn't decide on a title for some reason.)
#354: I refuse to make some sort of meek joke.
#355: Little of Column A, little of Column B.
#356: Oh come on. Everybody's doing it!
#357: You only get to die once.
#358: I know too many friends with this mindset.
#359: Start of a friendship, end of a flashback.
#360: Should watch where you're going.
#361: This was actually a childhood dream of mine.
#362: Remember. Always idiot-proof your lab!
#363: Mommy? Where do mows come from?
#364: We lose so many scientists this way...
#365: Attracting the wrong kind of attention.
#366: Hard to lurk in shadows when your hair is on fire.
#367: I'm sure it can shoot seeds very long distances...
#368: She's not buying it.
#369: Irony is best left to the masters.
#370: Casual Fridays never really work well in these places.
#371: She's really popular at birthday parties.
#372: This is why kids will never get to name themselves.
#373: Bringing out the big guns...er...eyes.
#374: Maybe she will get him a clue.
#375: Sometimes silly comments are just waiting to happen.
#376: The day wouldn't be complete without it.
Previous Chapter: A Recipe of Disasters
Next Chapter: Just Wing'en It
