It's a time of shock and learning as Dan deals with his Incubus racial issues, including tentacles, coffee filters, swords, and succubi.
#377: Science was likely started by insomniacs.
#378: The strangest things can happen when you look for coffee filters.
#379: This is probably the first time that line has been used... ever.
#380: My mind is like Pacman; a maze with not enough power pellets.
#381: Knowing a problem if it came out and bit things.
#382: Hampsters make every scene better.
#383: Wrong way on a one-track mind.
#384: It's always best to do those things right after all.
#385: An amazon example might have been more effective.
#386: It's a surefire way to her heart.
#387: Always try to look at your problems in a different light.
#388: Memories always tread the line of humour and drama.
#389: A bad time to speak, a good time to run.
#390: Just another morning in Lost Lake.
#391: Well there goes the neighborhood.
#392: For an inner monologue, its quite vocal.
#393: Never trust a grinning ferret.
#394: What she says is what she does.
#395: The epic struggle between Nature and random loggers.
#396: Buisness decisions and buisness re-decisions.
#397: Between the lines, outside the box.
#398: When the cure is worse than the sickness.
#399: The situation is always better with teeth.
#400: Smarter than the average...er...maybe not.
#401: Every genius needs a giant mech or two!
#402: The greater the mass, the smaller the IQ...
#403: It's a wonder other mechs never encounter this type of problem.
#404: Danger danger danger!
#405: Never give Amber the chance to be lazy.
#406: With free balloons for the kiddies.
#407: More than a river in Egypt.
#408: They don't make glens like they used to.
#409: Even the nice ones get a little tempted every now and then.
#410: It's not like he's had this happen a lot after all.
#411: They must not have ears to hear him say it.
#412: Dan's stubbornness is only matched by his forgetfulness.
#413: Just in case you were wondering...
#414: Not every arc needs to have a flashback.
#415: Try to wrap the physics around that feat.
#416: It's like they offer those deals to anyone!
#417: Try to resist the "coming out of the closet" jokes...please?
#418: Learning fun new things about your roomates.
#419: I'm sure there are teeth involved.
#420: A bit of a downside to a profession as paper.
#421: Let nothing distract you from your... um...
#422: It's rough being little and glowing.
#423: We lose more Warp-Aci that way.
#424: I've seen worse Plan B's.
#425: Perhaps friendly is too strong a word...
#426: Guess we'll have to wait for plan C.
#427: Nothing deeper and more meaningful than broken bones.
#428: This is why characters are not allowed to answer questions.
#429: Instant cameo. Just insert name in the blanks.
Previous Chapter: Disarray, Dischord, and Bubble-gum
Next Chapter: Cause Every Comic Needs a Non-Cannon Spy Spoof
